I planted Wild Cherry trees along the driveway about 10 years ago, however, they were growing too big so I took them out one Autumn, gave them away, and replaced them with Rowan trees. Rowan, also known as Mountain Ash, get loads of beautiful berries in late summer which attract birds. Bare root Cherry or Rowan bought as 1.5-2 feet whips from Conservation Volunteers for 50p each. They establish quickly.
What a bargain - 50 pence per tree!
What a bargain - 50 pence per tree!
Accent planting: Calendula Orange King (hardy annual), Carters Seeds, 79p.
What a wonderful deal that was and they look great! These tree's or a similar tree grows wild in British Columbia where I am from...the birds love them. They have an old wives tale there...the more berries hanging on the tree...means it's going to be an early hard winter! sometimes that seemed very true. Yours are gorgeous.