Co Antrim Garden, Northern Ireland

This is the journal of my endeavours to grow a range of fruit, veg & flowers from seed, grow organically, and my attempts to create an outdoor personal paradise with 1/2 acre of maintained gardens and 1/2 acre of wild meadows.

This site has been moved to

Edible Flowers

Looks good - not sure about eating them with a bite of cupcake!


Calendula / Pot Marigold
Tastes: Saffron-Like

Calendula has orange or yellow petals & the taste can range from bitter spiciness to peppery flavor. Yellow calendulas are an inexpensive alternative to saffron, though not quite as pungent.

Try using in: Salads, paella, rice, scrambled eggs, soups.

Nasturtium are pretty flowers that can be used whole, or just the leaves can be used. Tastes: peppery. Try using in: salads, potato salad, edd dishes, to decorate cupcakes or simply for plate decoration.

Spice up your Summer Salad - add an exotic look & taste with edible flower petals! Pictured: an assortment of nasturtiums and petals of roses, primula & calundula. This salad is a little over the top (more greens needed!) but looks nice.