A+ - super / recommended; C - average; F - fail / don't bother.
Good colour, fairly easy to grow from seed. Half Hardy Annual. (pictured)
Great colour, fairly easy to grow from seed. Half Hardy Annual.
Calendula Orange King - A+
Big, bright orange flowers, grow easily, low maintenance. Hardy Annual.
Delphinium - A+
Good colour/early Summer, tall striking 'cottage garden style' plants (2-8 ft high). Perennial.
Ferns (Dryopteris) - A+
No fuss plants that always look good especially in shady or damp areas. Perennial.
Geranium (various varieties) - A+
Reliable plants, good colour, easy to divide & multiply. Perennial.
Hosta (various varieties) - A+
No fuss, good for foliage, varigated are the most striking. Watch for slugs in Spring! Perennial.
Lupins, Russell Hybrids - A+
Good colour/early Summer, tall striking 'cottage garden style' plants. Perennial.
Nasturtium Dayglow Mixed - A+
Easy to grow, likes poor soil contitions. Good colour (orange flowers seem to dominate.) Annual.
Phlox (tall pink variety) - A+
Late summer colour, smells great. Perennial.
Poached Egg Plant - A+Flowers in Spring and again in late Summer. Good colour. Easy to grow from seed. Self Seeds. Hardy Annual.
Sedum Autumn Joy - A+
Late summer colour. Colour changes from pink to red to burgandy. Easy to divide & mulitply. Perennial.